What is International Cyber Benchmarks Index TM?
The International Cyber Benchmarks Index is an initiative of the Neustar International Security Council which assesses the international cybersecurity landscape from the vantage point of security professionals across the EMEA and US regions. The index is based on a bi-monthly survey of security professionals conducted via online research. Participants include business managers and senior directors, CTOs and other professionals with a security remit, all of whom provided input based on their own personal opinions. The purpose is to provide a robust measure of the state of cybersecurity across the EMEA and US regions that can be monitored over time.
Who will find it useful?
The index will be useful for all cybersecurity professionals who wish to keep their fingers on the pulse of the cybersecurity landscape. Others who may be interested include security product manufacturers or service providers, financial markets, the media – in fact, anyone with an interest in this increasingly important sector.
How often will it be updated?
The survey is conducted and the index updated on a bi-monthly basis. The current index is based on the November 2022 survey and the next two reporting periods will be January and March 2023.